Yesterday the boys and I went for a little road trip only an hour away from home and went to an air zoo and space center. We've been there a few times before but the space center was new. We had so much fun the boys really enjoyed it they have several planes and war planes on display which any boy thinks is awesome. I really enjoy planes myself and enjoyed reading about the different ones. One building houses a space launch simulator, airplanes, a 3D theater, two different rides for little ones, and a jet plane simulator the kids get to drive. The other building has old war and old planes on display and houses the space center. We all learned a lot and the kids had a blast it was the place they most wanted to go to.

Here is Roman trying out the airplane ride he rode in this red airplane over and over and over again. There was only 50 people at the whole place so he literally just stayed on this ride for a few rounds.

This is a Blackbird airplane I thought it was the coolest one there. It is so huge you can't appreciate the size of it until your standing right next to it. There were only 32 of these planes made and none of them was ever shot down.

At the space side you can try out "walking" on the moon or what it would feel like. This was quite weird is the only way I can describe it. Here Kaleb is trying it out.

Yes, that is me hanging there trying out this moon walking it was quite the workout let me tell you. I was laughing so hard.
Lucas in the cockpit of an airplane we had a hard time keeping Roman out of it. In fact all the boys didn't want to leave it alone. All little boys dreams driving a real plane..right?
All in all we've had a very fun week but am really looking forward to Ben coming home tomorrow. Lucas has missed him terribly and is very excited he'll be home tomorrow as am I:) On Wed. the kids and went to an indoor go cart/arcade family fun center. The kids begged me to play laser tag which I've never done before. Off we went is search of the laser tag oh me oh my it was some of the most fun I've ever had I'm addicted now..:) I told Ben we he comes home we'll have to take the kids again. They even let Roman play they just put the vest on him and let him pretend to shoot his laser gun. I will admit I was terrible at hitting the targets Lucas creamed me of course he's played before so I told him next time he's going down..hahaahha. Moms have to win once in awhile that's the competitive streak in me:)
Good grief! You guys are going all over the place! That space place looks like it was a lot of fun! I had no idea there was even a place like that any where close to here. You definitely find the coolest places to go to. :)
Busy little beaver aren't ya? Lord willing the hubby never dies on you, you'll go crazy and so might your boys;)!
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