Happy St. Patty's day for one I forgot today is St. Patrick's Day not that we do anything special for it:) Roman made this hat at the YMCA last week and was very proud of it. My hubby is gone to Florida on a guys golf trip until Sat. he left last night. So to pass the time it seems that I'll be blogging a...LOT...hahaha. The boys and I are doing a half spring break week with school and doing fun things instead. Some educational and some just for fun so I'll really be posting...a lot..haha:) I've already been to CVS twice in the 24 hours my hubby has been gone. I needed some retail therapy I miss him so bad already. At least it only cost me 1.00 out of pocket so far for all my goodies. Nothing to pick up your spirits like CVSing (is that a word?)

On Saturday morning Roman and I went to a second best sale and he just happen to find this truck. It's actually quite a "cool" truck it's motorized you push a button and it will go forward or backward and he can even do a lever and the back end will lift up to dump whatever goodies are in it. He's been having a hey day with it so it was a good find I only paid $4.00 for it. Quite a good investment for loads of fun.
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