This whole time change messes me up for a good week maybe two even. I feel tired and an hour behind all week probably cause I'm getting up an hour later than normal. Today I set my alarm clock for 8:00 I slept right through it until 9:00 urg...that's with a three year old in my bed also..what's a girl to do:) I do enjoy my sleep we all know that but I also like to feel on schedule for the day. Well I'll look ahead to next week and try and get up earlier tomorrow..haahaa!
I too hate the time change. I have had such trouble getting out of bed and it doesn't help that the girls don't get out of bed until about 8:30 or 9:00 in the morning! We definitely need to get on a better schedule too.
I'm finally starting to get used to this time change. The first couple of days were rough.
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