Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Conversation with Kaleb...

Background info: I have a friend named Natalie that is pregnant with her third child due in a month. Her youngest child just turned a year so they are very close together. Last night at dinner here was the conversation with Kaleb.

Lucas: Mom, did Natalie have her baby yet?
Kaleb: Yes Lucas she had it a month or so ago.
Me: No she didn't have it yet she's due in a few weeks to have it.
Kaleb: Natalie, is pregnant again! She must be eating lots of food. She already just had a baby and now she's having another one!
Me: What did you say Kaleb? as I'm laughing.
Kaleb: Well she must be eating lots of food if she's pregnant again that's what you do that's how that baby got there and now it has to grow and grow bigger so it can come out. ( he says this all so matter of fact I wish you could've heard his tone of voice it was classic)
Kaleb: how are they going to get that baby out of Natalie's belly? Do the cut her stomach open?
Me: Yes honey they will cut her stomach open and take the baby out. ( she does have C-sections so this was at least truthful in her case)
Lucas is laughing and I almost spit my food out I was debating about weather or not to tell him how most babies come out. Then he asked if they cut her stomach open I thought perfect since it's really in her case what will happen. So what I learned from the conversation is that apparently Kaleb thinks when you eat a lot you get pregnant and babies come out from a cut in your stomach. He keeps praying for a baby sister and again asked me if I was pregnant and going to have another baby. He really wants that baby sister I guess. I must be watching how much food I eat in front of him lest I give him any false hopes :)


Esther said...

It sound like it time for a little talk:)

Sarah said...

You better start eating. I think he needs a baby sister too.

Sherry in MI said...

I haven't been on your blog in awhile - I'm concerned that maybe Kaleb doesn't know that only females have babies. Let me explain... after reading your post about how much food he's eating I'm wondering if HE'S trying to get pregnant since you're not producing that baby sister! HA!