Saturday, February 23, 2008

Award.blogging with a purpose

I can't believe I've been given a blog award..little ol' me..I'm still in shock. Becky at boys rule my life has given me this blogging with a purpose award. I stumbled onto her blog awhile back in her quest of dairy free living. With Kaleb's allergy to dairy I've gotten some recipes from her. She also has three boys so it's quite fun to read her daily happenings with her little guys. Here are the rules of the award:

Blogging With a Purpose Award Rules:

1. Awarded parties must nominate five people who have not received the award.

2. The blogs that receive the award must serve some purpose.

3. In their post about the award they need to link back to this entry.

4. Awarded parties must post the award banner on their site. The banner must remain linked to the above linked site.

Here are the nominees from me in random order:

Esther: at To Every thing There is a Season talks about her daily struggles with multiple food allergies and how they're overcoming them. Think going dairy free is a challenge read how creative she gets with food and their rotation diet.

Sharon: at Mama's Loves shares pic's of her little beauties and just her daily life in general. I also enjoy reading about her good deals at CVS and other freebies she's finds.

Sarah: at Boys boys and more boys talks about her life with...well...can you guess?....ok boys :) Her and I get together with all of our boys and get quite the looks when we go out with seven little boys between the two of us. I enjoy reading about the things going on in her boys lives even though we live close it's sometimes hard to always stay connected. She's also a fellow homeschooling mom I can always rely on for some advice or just an ear.

Lori: at The Simple Life at Home is a blog I started reading awhile ago. Lori shares her faith through many posts. She is dealing with a move to Qatar right now. Her husband has already moved so it's been a struggle for her the last month without him. She is selling their houses here in the States and meeting him there in a few months time. She is also a homeschooling mom and I can really relate her sometimes.

Crystal: at Money Saving Mom Shares the many good deals she gets every week. Also teaches us how to live frugally and make the most of our hubby's hard earned money. I've learned so much from reading her blog and I really enjoy reading it. She also lists deals to several different stores such as CVS, Walgreens, Kroger etc. each week. She has helped and is helping so many people through her blog live more fugal.

Alright so there you have it thank you again Becky for nominating me!


Crystal Paine said...

Thank you, Tracy, and God bless you!

Becky @ BoysRuleMyLife said...

Oh, boy! More fun blogs to check out!! :)

Sarah said...

Thanks Tracy!

Esther said...

Thanks!! An award imaginge that!

Sharon said...

Thanks Tracy! It only took me 2 hours to link back to everything. :) It didn't help that I accidentally deleted everything and had to start all over. :) Thanks again!

Lori ~ The Simple Life at Home said...

Thank you, Tracy! What a kind award. Although sometimes I feel as if my blog writings are somewhat aimless, it's nice to know that doesn't always show! Bless you and thanks again.

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