This little guy greeted me this morning as I was getting out of the shower. He fell out of the towel hanging on the towel bar I screamed so loud it wasn't even funny. This little guy is huge as far as lizards that I've seen here. Thankfully my hubby was laying on our bed on his computer when he heard my screams. Poor guy thought I burned myself or cut myself I screamed so loud. Ben captured him and promplty called Kaleb who has been taking care of him ever since. Kaleb has been outside every day trying to catch one and lo and behold one land's in his mama's lap for him. We're trying to talk Kaleb into letting him go so far no luck we'll keep trying. He's a huge animal lover and will be devasted if he finds him dead some morning. So far Kaleb has named the lizard "spike" and fed him leaves, given him a stick, rubbed his back,(cuz you know lizards like that:) says Kaleb. He also has given him water and lots of love:)
That is one ugly looking lizard! I would have screamed too. Hope you don't have to take that thing back home with you. :)
I would have had a heart attack! Try the whole 'his mother misses him" line it always works on captures grasshopper and such around here. Hope your having fun.
Ugh! Yuck! and Gross! That is one U-G-L-Y lizard!
I suppose this is the life I will lead, too... lizards, frogs, snakes, etc.
Good luck on keeping him alive!
Oh, and by the way... I love the pictures of the blue water - looks like you guys had a blast!
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