This is what I'm doing this week. I found this three day liver cleanse/detox that I'm doing. So far so good of course I'm only a few hours into it. I'm such a wimp when it comes to these things I whine and complain like you wouldn't believe I just love food way to much. Why do I do it then? When I'm done with the diet I always feel so much better it's fantastic. I've never done this three day diet before at least I like most of the food/juice you drink. Today I have to drink this juice concoction and water basically you fast for a day. I had to add flax seed to the morning drink and evening drink. The next two days you add in cruciferous veggies, blueberries, strawberries, two eggs a day and a couple other things that I can't remember. I did a detox diet two years ago that lasted for 10 days I was so ornery and didn't think I'd make it to the end. Thankfully hubby did it with me otherwise I would've quit it most of the food on that plan I didn't like so I basically didn't eat for the three worst days of the diet. Anyway wish me luck that my liver is detoxed and I'm hoping my body flushes out the "ickies" floating around in it:)
Have fun detoxing! I want to do it again but I'm still nursing so it will have to wait.
I would like to think I would be able to do a 3 day detox. I will do it with you sometime. I think it's always easier to do it with someone.
Make sure you post an update over the weekend!
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