Friday, December 15, 2006

Frugal Friday

I haven't officially joined on the other website but here's my "gem" for the week. My friend told me about freecycle it's a national website you can join but you join a group in your area. Then when you need something you search the group in your city to see if someone has it and it's free. You can list things and search for things but you have to list them for free and you can get things for free. My friend did a search on boys snowpants and got four people that had some for free the site is

This morning my boys went for their Friday morning classes and came out with a house with glued on cereal and snowman and snow they are so cute I'll try and take a picture and get it on here. Yesterday we made snowflakes and hung them in the front window they are showing the creative spirit here lately. My boys are some of the busiest and spirited guys you'll ever meet but what always amazes me is how long they will sit and color and do art projects. So of course their art class is both their favorite class they have a great teacher ( not me) for it. I have to say they are quite creative give kids some stickers, paper, cardboard and whatever else "junk" you have laying around the house and let them create and walla you have art.

Well I just want to say in case I don't get on tomorrow happy birthday to my mother in law we are very blessed to have you as our mom and you are a wonderful grandmother to all your grandchildren. May God bless you with many more years!! We love you.


Esther said...

Art projects are my kids favorite thing to do too. They always want to paint which I dislike the most, its such a mess. Play dough is their next fave. Again very messy. Oh well it keeps them occupied and it works their little brains. TTYL

Sharon said...

Ambry loves to do anything with color crayons or glue. I am not as brave as Esther to get out the playdough. It took one experience with that and I have never bought any again. BIG MESS! Not for me. Sorry if I leave two of almost the same comments. I don't know what is going on :(

Sarah said...

Do you ever watch Super Nanny. She encourages parents to let the kids do arts and crafts. She say kids misbehave because they are bored. Maybe I should invest in some stuff for the two younger while the two older do school.

If you let the kids paint, lay newspaper on the table first. When they are done, just pick up the paper and throw it away. Also, let the kids use play dough in a 9 x 13 pan or cookie sheet. This keeps it from going all over the place.

Tracy said...

I let my kids do playdough quite a bit they've picked up quite a few of the sets at garage sales so I just buy the play dough then when the old is gone or dried up. It does keep them busy for awhile they make cities and stories. But they have to clean the mess up including sweeping the floor and wiping off the table or they can't do it next time. I hated it when they were really little but now that they clean up the mess it's great.