Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Reading some more:)

Here is my latest read I got it from the library yesterday after just seeing it sitting on a cart. Not all of the book I agree with but she has some very good information it. It was very insightful to learn how she became a child actress and how she had to stand up for her beliefs even when it meant getting fired from her job. What an example to young girls in Hollywood if only more young socialites were like this today. In a scene from "Facts of Life" the producers wanted Lisa's character Blair to lose her virginity to keep up with the times and also please the network. Lisa told them that she wouldn't do it because it went against her beliefs about having premarital sex. Although the producers and writers weren't happy they changed with script and it never took place. That's just one example from the book. She is now a homeschooling mom to her three kids and has a strong foundation in the Lord. I started reading it last night in bed at 10 and couldn't put it down I fell asleep with only two chapters left to read. Well I hear chaos happening upstairs so I better go referee in the war zone.:)


Sarah said...

I was never allowed to watch that show, now I know why. I'm glad Hollywood didn't "get" to her.

Sherry in MI said...

I haven't read that book, but she wrote another book a couple years ago called Creative Correction that is quite good. It's about creative discipline methods and I've heard it promoted on Focus on the Family.

Esther said...

You sound like me with books, I read the whole thing in one day. That's great that she stuck up for belief's. Not many people do or they just don't have any to stick to.