Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Ugh, just the name gives me the heevy jeevies! I've had this one mouse in our house I've been trying to catch for weeks. I've basically been feeding the thing he's been eating the peanut butter out of the trap without and I repeat without getting killed. Last night VICTORY! I heard the trap go and prayed a little mousy would be in there and it was. Now I don't normally enjoy hurting animals but anyone that knows me knows I detest mice. I was once known to stand on a chair screaming for my brother in law who was 11 at the time to catch a mouse running around in my kitchen...that was a different house however than we have now. Anyway point is I'm terrified of them and I'm still not sure what there purpose here on earth is. I mean God created snakes to eat mice and bats to eat mosquito's etc. What do mice eat except peanut butter I feed them:) Anyway I've won the battle and let's hope there's no more! Poor Kaleb was the first one up this morning that had to take care of the mouse for his mama. I've decided this is the reason God gave me three boys..hahahah..just kidding. But he is my animal lover and was saying "awww, poor mouse" as he took it out to the trash for me! I agree I must have a serious talk with that boy about mice..heehee:)


Sharon said...

Congrats on catching your little critter! I have some that I need to catch. They've gotten to be some sneaky little critters though. Little stinkers!

Esther said...

I'm with you, creepy little buggers! They have new traps out that you don't have to see the deceased when the job is done.

Sarah said...

We've never had mice, only raccoons and squirrels in the attic.

Glad you were able to "get rid" him.