Monday, June 9, 2008

pretties from my yard...

My front yard is just gorgeous right now with all these flowers blooming. The first three pictures are all iris's I also have a deep purple one that bloomed the day after I took these three.
This flower is from a snowball bush I'm not sure if there's a real name or not for the bush but the flowers do look like snowballs.
Here is one of my favorite's it's a miniature lilac bush that I planted right by my front door. Lilac is one of my most favorite smells.
Here is a lone little rose on my carpet rose bush there are a million buds on it so hopefully this one will have some company soon. I also have a pink one right next to it.

These two bushes are both wigelia's just different types. My favorite is the one above the foliage on it is so pretty.
And lastly this is one of my other favorite flowers a peony I have white and pink ones. I plan to add some other colored ones for next year. These I cut and put them all over my house they look so pretty and also smell really good.


Sharon said...

I love the smell of lilacs too. I have one of those miniature bushes as well. I would like to get a big one though. I think they are so pretty and I like being able to cut the blooms and put them in the house too. :)

Esther said...

Very pretty!